Star trek enterprise

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Breaking the Ice - Archer finds his patience wearing thin when a Vulcan ship watches over the Enterprise as it conducts a routine survey mission on a comet. The Andorian Incident - During a visit to a Vulcan monastery, Archer, T'Pol, and Tucker are taken hostage by a group of Andorians who claim the monastery actually houses a secret Vulcan spying post. Terra Nova - The Enterprise crew arrives at Terra Nova, the site of a human colony whom no one has heard from in nearly 70 years.

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Unexpected - Tucker visits an alien vessel during a bizarre away mission, and later learns upon returning to the Enterprise that he was unwittingly impregnated during his stay. Strange New World - Members of the crew find their resolve tested and their paranoia escalating when trapped on an alien world during a violent storm. Fight or Flight - When the Enterprise encounters an alien vessel dead in space with a murdered crew, Ensign Sato must face up to her fears of life on a starship. Broken Bow - When a Klingon is captured on Earth following a mysterious incident, Captain Jonathan Archer prepares for the launch of Starfleet's first deep-space starship and its crew in a mission to return the Klingon to his homeworld.

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Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3 | Season 4 | All Seasons Season 1 (2001-2002)

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Please note that all reviews contain spoilers. Reviews of Enterprise were written from 2001-2005 during the series' original run.